Friday, October 8, 2010


  1. Post your movie to your blog. Number and answer the following questions:
  2. Identify your team's topic.- Literature.
  3. Describe your role on the team.- I basically did everything, I put the video slides together, and got all the movies.
  4. What did you learn from being a part of this team?- That I have to take charge and do basically everything
  5. What went well for you as a team?- It was nice that Roy interviewed me for the project and I didn't have to do that 
  6. What did not go well for you as a team?- They didn't really contribute to the project except for Roy doing one interview.
  7. Describe the process from storyboarding through the movie creation. Did ideas/concepts/focus change from one kind of technology to the other? If so, how?- We took the slides from the keynote presentation, I put the interview in, and the youtube video in and revised a lot of stuff and thats how I made it.
  8. What new tools and techniques did you learn by doing this project? - I learned to how to use imovie and how to put a youtube video in.
  9. For what other classes, situations, uses could this type of project be adapted? - I could use this for almost every class so its a very useful tool.
  10. How did you use the transformative property of borrowed images, music, and information to comply with the Copyright Law of 1976?- We cited everything and gave it credit.
  11. Would you do another project like this on your own? Why? Why not - I thought it was a good learning project but it took a little more time than I'd want to spend on something.

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